The MXenes Synthesis, Tunability and Reactivity (M-STAR) Center for Chemical Innovation aims to demonstrate to the world the exciting possibilities for fundamental and applied chemistry in the burgeoning field of two-dimensional layered metal nitrides and carbides known as MXenes. We envision MXenes as a truly general class of materials to be adapted to any purpose: metals, semiconductors, insulators, superconductors, metamaterials, composites, catalysts, electrodes, electronics and batteries.

In M-STAR, we bring together leaders in nanoscience, inorganic synthesis, soft matter, computational chemistry and energy materials to systematize the study of MXenes, build an armory of powerful and general tools for growing, joining, splitting, repainting, and electrifying them, and ultimately push the frontier in this enormous chemical space. Together, we will also advance science education, broaden participation, and communicate to the public the latest in cutting-edge science.

M-STAR’s Year in Review: 2024

M-STAR’s first year and a half has already seen much progress! Major collaborations between our members are just now hitting editors’ desks. Watch our publications page for exciting new developments in high-entropy MXenes, fundamental MXene infrared photophysics, and new approaches to direct MXene synthesis using molecular precursors. Here is a fraction of the recognition our investigators’ efforts have attracted:

Center Director Dmitri Talapin was elected a 2024 Fellow of the Materials Research Society.  The program “recognizes outstanding contributions to the field, including research, leadership, and service that have advanced the mission of the materials community world-wide.” In addition, Prof. Talapin’s students Noah Mason and Marley Downes (formerly of the Gogotsi group) were both awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, which will support their research for three years.

Yury Gogotsi was elected to the Academy of Europe – Academia Europaea and was granted an honorary doctorate by the Slovak Academy of Sciences in recognition of his long career in advancing materials science. Materials Today awarded him their Innovation Award for 2024. The European Academy of Sciences also recognized him with the prestigious Blaise Pascal Medal in Materials Science.

Babak Anasori was awarded the Kavli Foundation Early Career Lectureship in Materials Science, the 2024 Materials Today Rising Star Award in Energy Conversion and Storage, and the American Ceramic Society’s 2024 Early Discovery Award. He was also granted the Abraham M. Max Distinguished Professor Award by the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology. Prof. Anasori’s group members Dr. Anupma Thakur and Nithin Chandra were recognized at another level by attendees of the Materials Research Society’s Fall 2024 Meeting by an award of first place in the Science as Art competition for their “discovery” of the MXene Pokémon Tepig.

Zahra Fakhraai was named a 2024 Fellow of the American Physical Society’s Division of Polymer Physics.

Aleksandra Vojvodic was named a Fellow in Accelerated Decarbonization by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) in recognition of her group’s work in energy technologies. Her student, now-Dr. Génesis Quiles-Galarza, was also named a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticutt.

This work is supported by funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant Number CHE-2318105 (M-STAR CCI).