Looking to Collaborate?
M-STAR is currently preparing for the next stage in MXene research as a Phase II Center for Chemical Innovation with the NSF. We will proceed to Phase II with the collaboration of 7 to 8 additional principal investigators. We will be making our case to the National Science Foundation in October 2025; PIs who are interested in bringing their groups’ talents in two-dimensional materials and closely related fields in physical chemistry to bear on this exciting class of materials are encouraged to reach out early the Center Director.
Questions about our Work?
For general inquiries, please contact the Center Director, Prof. Dmitri Talapin, at dvtalapin@uchicago.edu, and make sure to CC the Center’s administrative assistant Andrew Nelson (awnelson@uchicago.edu).
Partners in Industry
Please reach out to Prof. Yury Gogotsi at gogotsi@drexel.edu (Operation Project Manager, Jamie Banks: jeb23@drexel.edu).
Partners in Outreach and Education
Please reach out to Prof. Zahra Fakhraai at fakhraai@sas.upenn.edu (Administrative Assistant, Rosa Vargas: rvargas@sas.upenn.edu).
Residents of Chicago or Philadelphia who are interested specifically in working with the Museum of Science and Industry or the Franklin Institute in combination with M-STAR should contact Prof. John Anderson (jsanderson@uchicago.edu) or Prof. Aleksandra Vojvodic (alevoj@seas.upenn.edu), respectively.